What Are the Benefits of Using Agriculture Bio Products in India?

There is a broad category of plant protection products that come under agriculture bioproducts. You can extract these products from living organisms. Growers of crops and plants use these products to safeguard them from disease, pests, and weeds. The use of agriculture bio-products in India is significant. Farmers use it in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and also row and field crops. These products offer resilience since they can work in both the latest and organic crop-growing methods. Listed below are the crucial benefits of using bioproducts in Indian agriculture.  

Key benefits of using agriculture bio-products in India: 

Crop yield and quality

Farmers in India can notably improve crop yield and quality by using bioproducts in agriculture. They use the products because it allows them to provide quality food to consumers at affordable rates. With their wide range of actions, these products assist with resistance management. This results in improved yield and provides profit to the agriculture industry over the long term. 


Considering sustainable agriculture, bioproducts act as an essential tool. They play an integral part in an efficient Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy. It also benefits the production systems that are environmentally responsible. 

Residue management 

Usually, bioproducts used in agriculture don’t stay much longer in the environment. It reduces the risk of harmful exposure to humans, as well as the environment since they degrade quickly. These products are often banned from Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) – helping to boost crop yields using bioproducts.

Resistance management 

An Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tactic incorporates genetic, biological, and chemical products. This is to protect crops that will use multiple modes of action and provide a sustainable approach to resistance management.

To sum up, these are the benefits of using agriculture bioproducts in India. Hope, you now know why they are a precious tool for organic farming. 


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If you are new to organic farming and looking for the best products, then look no further than Maple Orgtech (India) Ltd. We are one of the best companies offering eco-friendly solutions to our clients involved in organic farming. To book our service, you can call us or fill up the online inquiry form present on our website. We will get back to you quickly.

Solid Waste Management in India – Why Is It Important in the Current Scenario?

In India, a large portion of solid waste is being dumped in outskirts and rural areas every minute. Irrespective of discrimination, these wastes are neither being treated nor disposed of scientifically. Thus solid waste management is thus a critical issue in India nowadays. Poor management of solid wastes leads to groundwater contamination and increases the air pollution level. Managing solid waste effectively can help reduce pollution, protect natural resources, and promote sustainability.

Why is solid waste management important?

Protects the environment

Improperly managed solid waste can have serious environmental consequences. It can contaminate soil, air, and water and harm wildlife and ecosystems. Effective solid waste management helps reduce the amount of waste. The solid waste thus ends up in landfills and ensures that hazardous waste is disposed of safely.

Promotes public health

Solid waste can be a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, and pests that can cause diseases. Poor solid waste management practices can lead to the spread of infectious diseases and other health hazards. Proper management and disposal of solid waste can help prevent the spread of disease and promote public health.

Conserves natural resources

Many of the materials that end up in landfills can be recycled or reused. Recycling reduces the need for new raw materials and conserves natural resources like timber, water, and minerals. This practice prioritises recycling and reuse and can help reduce the demand for natural resources and conserve them for future generations.

Solid waste

Reduces greenhouse gas emissions

Solid waste in landfills can produce methane, a potent greenhouse gas contributing to climate change. Methane is produced when organic waste decomposes in landfills. Effective solid waste management practices, such as composting and recycling, can help reduce the amount of organic waste that ends up in landfills and, therefore, reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Supports the economy

Solid waste management is a major industry that creates jobs and contributes to the economy. Recycling and composting programs can create new jobs in industries such as manufacturing and agriculture. Effective solid waste management practices can also reduce costs associated with waste disposal, such as landfill fees, and generate revenue from the sale of recyclable materials.

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At Maple Orgtech India Ltd, we focus on solid waste management by suppressing and eliminating foul smells. We also successfully convert biodegradable solid waste into safe and disposal waste materials. Our focus is to keep the environment clean. To know more, check our website.

What is EM?

EM Technology was developed by a Japanese professor Dr. Terou Higa.
EM is the unique composition of a diverse group of bacteria, yeasts and fungi (3 main families, multiple species) which has been thoroughly tested and proven safe for human and animals. One of the strengths of EM is that it is a diverse combination of microbes, and this gives it versatility in terms of a wide scope of applications that it can be used on.

The major group of microbes present in Maple EM.1 are –

  • Lactic acid bacteria
  • Yeast
  • Phototrophic bacteria

Where did EM come from?

EM∗ is a people-friendly and environmentally safe product of EMRO (EM Research Organization) that achieves synergistic effects by combining beneficial microorganisms which exist in nature, such as lactic acid bacteria, yeast and phototrophic bacteria. It was developed by Professor Teruo Higa in 1982. EM∗ activates local and native microorganisms that live in soil and water and maximizes their natural power. EM∗ brand represents a line of microbial products that are used in numerous fields including agriculture, animal husbandry, environmental purification and health care in more than 100 countries around the world.
EM∗ is a trademark and a brand name owned by EMRO, and is used on a variety of products.

How does EM work?

Large numbers of bacteria exist in the soil. One gram of soil contains anywhere from a few hundred million to several billion microorganisms. Microorganisms are a fundamental component of the ecosystem and facilitate its functioning by breaking down organic substances and circulating nutrients. However, when the quantity of healthy microorganisms in the soil decreases or the balance is disrupted, other living things such as earthworms will be negatively affected and the soil will become impoverished. The diversity of microorganisms contained in EM and the metabolites they produce will increase the number and diversity of microorganisms in the soil. When microorganisms are activated, protozoans and larger organisms such as worms will increase in number and a healthier ecosystem will result. Soil with diversified microflora will inhibit the growth of specific disease-causing bacteria, which help prevent cultivation failure.

Organic farming

Improve Soil Health and Performance

EM work by getting the natural processes to function, by stimulating biological activity in the soil. This will improve soil health and performance by enhancing the natural fertilising processes within the soil. EM will not only add to the microbial population but will also stimulate resident microbes. This stimulation can lead to increasing the resident nitrogen fixation capacity directly through the increase of N-fixing bacteria, and indirectly by increasing clover growth, increasing mycorrhizal activity, and other fungal and earthworm activity.

Improved Soil Structure

EM is an advanced microbial inoculant with beneficial bacteria and fungi that jumpstarts and/or restores the beneficial biology leading to great soil structure. EM helps to build “Well-aggregated” soils through the introduction and stimulation of soil microbes. Microorganisms are the hidden magic that allow a healthy soil to flourish. Soil microorganisms produce many different kinds of organic compounds, some of which help to bind the aggregates together and improve the soil structure. In addition EM will breakdown organic matter to create humus and stimulate root growth further improving soil structure.

Enhancing Fertiliser Inputs

The microbes in EM will solubilise compounds both organic and inorganic that are largely unavailable to plants and make them available for uptake by the plants root system allowing the plant to put more energy into growth. In performing this important function the Microbes create a more efficient use of added nutrients, generating a better growth response from fertiliser inputs.

Improved Root Structure

EM produce hormones and enzymes that promote plant cell and root division. They use the amino acids and sugars secreted by the photosynthetic bacteria and plant roots and in turn give off substances which are good growing compounds for the Lactic acid bacteria. The microbes in EM also have a symbiotic or mutually beneficial relationship with the roots of plants. So plants grow exceptionally well in soils dominated by these microorganisms with the promotion of root development.

Improved Germination

EM has a positive effect on soil fertility, creating an environment where a seed is more likely to germinate and thrive. This significantly increases the number of germinated seeds. It will also influence root growth positively which has an important role in nutrient uptake and the growth of the plant. In legumes, we see an increase in nodulation with applications of EM at sowing. These microbes can be applied directly when sowing to inoculate the soil immediately.

Reduction of Soil Compaction

In order to reduce compaction EM will support the growth of other beneficial organisms like mychorrizae, worms, and insects already in your soil, bringing nature back into balance. It will also produce lots of polysaccharides – glues that hold the soil together and hold in moisture, improving drought resistance. A healthy soil and stimulated biological activity help build stable aggregate and soil structure. Increasing aggregate stability, prevents the pore spaces between the aggregates from collapsing during heavy saturating rains, and reduces compaction. Improved soil aggregate stability reduces soil erosion and run-off. Soils are better able to absorb and retain moisture as well as drain moisture when needed.

Improved Organic Matter Breakdown

EM will help the decomposition process of organic materials, and during fermentation will produce normally unavailable organic acids, such as lactic acid, acetic acid, amino acid, malic acid and bioactive substances and vitamins.

A key ingredient in this process is organic matter which is supplied by pasture residuals, (dead matter) recycling crop residues, green manures and animal manure. In addition, this process leads to increased humus in the soil.

Improved Yield

EM improves yield firstly through effective organic matter recycling which builds humus, the food for your soil and plants. It will also enhance fertiliser and nutrient breakdown in the soil and uptake by plants, will give improvements in nitrogen fixation, and stimulate micorrhyzal activity. This creates better-growing conditions and this leads to a stronger healthier plant. Secondly, EM provides competitive exclusion, which means that it out-competes pathogens for space, by inoculating the leaf surfaces with beneficial microbes allowing crops to thrive and reach their growing potential. Using EM improves soil health by stimulating and feeding native microbial life in the soil which creates a higher-yielding crop.

Enhanced Nitrogen Fixation

When EM is applied to soil or plant leaf surfaces, the populations of photosynthetic bacteria and nitrogen fixing bacteria increase dramatically. The phenomenon is associated with the growth of more vigorous plants, higher plant yields and improved crop quality compared with no EM treatment. It was thought that the high number of photosynthetic bacteria and nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and at leaf surfaces might enhance the plants photosynthetic rate and efficiency, and its nitrogen fixing capacity.

Producing Plant Growth Regulators

One of the many activities that EM does in the soil and plant is the production of what are called, plant growth regulators- PGRs. PGR compounds are hormones, and have an important role in plant growth, often called phytohormones, they regulate growth, development, and the plants responses to stimuli.

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Application in other fields

EM products that promotes biodiversity have also been applied in the fields of animal husbandry, aquaculture and water purification. In animal husbandry, EM will improve the microbial environment of barns as well as the intestinal flora of livestock and will ameliorate noxious odors. In aquaculture andwater purification, EM will make the ecosystems in water richer. This will improve the self-purification capacity of water bodies and improve water quality.

Top Reasons Why Biofertilizers Are Important in Agriculture

It is a known fact that agriculture is the mainstay in India. It is one of the important professions which employs a large number of people. In such a diverse country, different types of crops are yielded. These depend on the character of the soil and water requirements.

Why Biofertilizers?

To enrich the quality of the product and protect those from microbes, fertilizers are commonly used. These are generally made of synthetic materials and chemicals. If not applied properly, the fertilizer may hamper the quality of the crops. As a solution, many farmers use biofertilizers.

Importance of Biofertilizers in Agriculture

Biofertilizers are very important for agricultural activities. Sourcing these agricultural bioproducts in India from a trusted source can benefit farmers. These advantages are discussed in the following parts of this blog.

Non-Toxic: Compared to regular fertilizers, biofertilizers are much more nature friendly. These are made of non-toxic raw materials. So one can apply them to their crops without worries. Natural materials are known to accelerate plant development effectively.

Soil Enrichment: As biofertilizers are made from organic materials, they contain microbes. The microbes play an instrumental role in distributing Nitrogen to the crops. This also helps bind the soil particles. It is done through the expansion of exterior hyphae.

Cost Effective: When someone compares the biofertilizers with others, they would find a stark difference between their costs. It can fit the budget requirements of the farmers effectively. This enables them to use an eco-friendly material instead of synthetic fertilizers made of harmful chemicals.

Gives Plant the Right Nutrients: One can use liquid fertilizers like Rhizobium to effectively increase a crop’s height. The fertilizer can provide necessary nutrients to the plants. These include Chlorophyll, Protein, Carbohydrates and others. This helps increase the number of leaves, enriching the soil and branches of a tree.

For all these features, biofertilizers are a primary choice of standard fertilizers. Sourcing these important agriculture bioproducts in India are crucial. One can get help from Maple Orgtech India Ltd. We are one of the trusted sources who can provide eco-friendly solutions for agriculture, pisciculture and agriculture. Farmers can get sustainable agricultural products from our end. To learn more, one can visit our website.

5 Environmental Benefits of Organic Agriculture in India

Organic agriculture is the process of ecological farming where organic fertilisers are used for the farming process. In this type of agricultural system, ecological methods of pest control are used that improves the fertility, improves the soil structure and reduces the risk of animal and human toxic materials. Organic agriculture in India is thus gaining high popularity nowadays.

Before organic agriculture became prevalent chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilisers were most commonly used. With the introduction of organic agriculture, traditional agriculture has taken a backseat. By using organic agriculture the ecological balance can be maintained as well.

To know the advantages of organic agriculture, read on.

What are the advantages of organic agriculture?

Reduced environmental impact

Organic agriculture promotes biodiversity and preserves natural resources. By avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals, organic farmers reduce soil and water pollution, protect natural habitats, and contribute to the conservation of wildlife. Additionally, organic farming practices such as crop rotation, intercropping, and cover cropping help to improve soil quality and reduce soil erosion.

Improved food quality and safety

Organic farming practices promote the use of natural fertilisers and pest control methods, which can help to reduce the risk of chemical contamination in food. Organic agriculture also emphasises the use of non-GMO seeds and the avoidance of synthetic growth hormones and antibiotics in animal husbandry. As a result, organic food is generally considered to be healthier and safer than conventionally grown food.

Increased nutrient density

Organic agriculture promotes the use of natural fertilisers and soil amendments, such as compost and manure, which can improve soil health and increase the nutrient content of crops. Studies have shown that organic crops are often higher in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than conventionally grown crops.

Supports local communities

Organic agriculture often relies on smaller-scale farming operations and local distribution networks. This can provide economic opportunities for small farmers and help to support local economies. Additionally, organic farming practices can help to create jobs in rural areas and promote sustainable land use practices.

Promotes sustainable agriculture

Organic agriculture promotes sustainable farming practices that help to protect the environment and preserve natural resources for future generations. By avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals and promoting biodiversity, organic farmers help to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture and create a more sustainable food system.

Maple Agrotech India Ltd is one such company that is committed to deliver eco friendly organic agricultural solutions. We use the EM technology for organic farming purposes. To know more, check our website.